Do you want to enjoy life a bit more?

The spacious Church Hall offers a popular community facility that accommodates a wide range of local activities for all ages.  Why not contact us to see if there is something that you might enjoy?  Just contact our hall below to find out what is going on.

In addition the Church Hall is a popular venue for children’s parties.  Bookings may be made for Saturday or Sunday afternoons, with plenty of space for activities. Please contact us to make arrangements to view the premises and discuss your ideas.

Meeting your needs

The Church Hall was opened in 1994 and is located directly across the road from the church lych-gate, There is plenty of off-street parking for both church and hall use.

Within the hall, there are two spaces, one carpeted and one parquet, which may be separated by a folding partition.  The kitchen facilities include a range cooker, a commercial dishwasher and a commercial water boiler.  There are also washrooms for male and female, with separate accessible facilities.

To enquire about availability of the hall for your event, or to find out what activities are currently available, please get in touch.

Hall Booking Officer